Rabi Governance

Rabi Governance

The Rabi token is a governance token that allows holders to vote on changes in the Rabi Protocol. The token is an important component of the Rabi Protocol’s governance and financial structure.

Anyone can submit proposals for a vote, but approved modifications may be delayed by up to 24 hours to protect against malicious proposals.
The governance process includes proposal polling and Executive Voting. Rabi token holders can participate in the governance process, ensuring that the Rabi Protocol remains secure and sustainable.

The Rabi token also serves as the recapitalization resource of the Rabi Protocol, which is the process of raising additional funds. Recapitalization is important for the long-term sustainability of the protocol.
The governance process ensures that the Rabi Protocol remains transparent and accountable to its users.
Overall, the Rabi token and governance process are critical components of the Rabi Protocol, ensuring its long-term success and sustainability

About Rabi

The Rabi project is a DeFi application built on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. It generates Rabi tokens that are soft-pegged to Bitcoin, gold, oil, the US dollar, and shares of technology companies. Rabi tokens are designed to minimize price volatility and serve as a store of value, medium of exchange, unit of account, and standard of deferred payment. The Rabi Protocol is managed by RABI token holders who govern the system and its financial risks through scientific governance. The Rabi Foundation prioritizes security through Formal Verification and mitigation plans for potential risks. Rabi Protocol is a decentralized token that is backed by collateral and is not issued or administered by any centralized actor or trusted intermediary. It has undergone …